Mass Schedules at St. Sharbel

Church Information
  • 1804 SE 16th. Ave, Portland , Oregon 97214

    (show location map)

  • 503-231-3853


  • Confession: Sunday 9:30 A.M. to 10:15 A.M. (During Sunday Adoration or by appointment.), Sunday 12:15 P.M. to 2:00 P.M. (Abouna will stay as late as needed until all have an opportunity for confession. Confessions can also be made on other days by appointment.)
    Adoration: Sunday 9:00 A.M. to 10:15 A.M. (Prior to Sunday Holy Mysteries.)
    Holy Days: Sunday 10:00 A.M. (This includes Frist Friday and most Holy Days of Obligation. Holy week is in the evening.), Sunday 7:00 P.M. (Every day during Holy Week until at least 9:00 PM every night.)

  • 2014-08-05

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Holy Mass Schedule
Mass schedule of St. Sharbel. Located at 1804 SE 16th. Ave, Portland, Oregon
January 19 - Today
January 20
January 21
January 22
January 23
January 24
January 25

10:30 AM - 6:30 AM